how far off the wall

I undesrstand that a speaker should be given some room to breath, that is to pull it a couple of feet of the wall. With my kef reference fours I found this to be simple. The speakers are enclosed and so i measured the disstance from the back of the speaker to the wall behind it, and advanced it the need distance. With the Martin logan vantage should i measure from the woffer enclouser or from the electrostatic surface. thanks,cj

Showing 2 responses by cj1capp

Duke and Audiofankj thank you for the words of wisdom and the website I foud booth very helpfull.cj
Sogood51, my head is about to explode. No i did not know to crawl around the room listening for the best bass. Could you our one of the members here suggest a entry level book on audio setup. thanks so much