How far is your SUT from your Phono Pre/Preamp?

Had to go back to the internal SUT in my phono pre today because it needs to be at least 3 feet away from the preamp or phono pre to prevent hum. Is this normal? I don't really have the 3 feet available.


Showing 5 responses by dhcod

It's pretty well documented that owners have had much better luck with outboard SUTs than the internal Jensens with the Lamm. Lamm has no provision for loading changes and maybe that's the cause. In my case, the SUT is designed for my DL103 variant cartridge. I have to say I've had a lot of experience with loading changes and they wouldn't duplicate what the external SUT does in this case.

I've spent the morning doing a bunch of things, reorienting, finding weird angles, and changing cables to shielded cables. Cables make no difference at all. There's definitely one spot that I found to place the SUT that is the quietest and it's about 14 inches away which is good... but there's still a noticeable hum, although only within 3 feet of the speakers, not in the listening position.

My question now is whether the hum is the fault of the SUT or the phono preamp? Will any SUT that gets near my phono preamp cause a problem? Probably need another SUT to figure that out.

Yeah, it does sound pretty dang silly.

Can I report my own post for being a complete waste of everyone’s time?

Interestingly the SUT in the Lamm is a real weak point. The external, even a relatively inexpensive one like the AnaMighty one I have, is a huge improvement over the Jensen’s inside. I just A-B’d it again this morning and it sound great with the internal but the external is sublime. 

The system change that has caused this problem to become noticeable is a switch to SET and higher sensitivity speakers. The amp change came after I first noticed the hum so it’s not a source of the problem.