How far apart do you position your speakers ?

Of course it depends, but in many cases I discovered that 1.5-2.0 heights of a speaker work best for floorstanding speakers in smaller and medium-sized rooms.
What is your experience?

Showing 1 response by mordante

I find this en interesting thread. I will try out this 83% "rule" and see how it works for me. Also I have taken a look at the Cardas way of speaker placement. I do think it is a good way to place you speakers however in a normal living room it is hard to implement. I have also found out if I move my speakers to far from the back wall the sound will deteriorate. Maybe that has something to do that my speakers can and need a little bass boost I think. Also my speakers are bass reflex speakers with the port in the front.

Using the 83% "rule" my speakers would be about 249cm apart form tweeter to tweeter. That would me they are about 80cm from the side wall. The Cardas setup would place my speakers about 113cm from the side wall.

Anyway I'll play around with speaker placement.