How does Sony DVP-S9000ES compare to other Sony's?

How does the DVP-S9000ES compare to Sony's high end players such as CDP-C555ES, CDP-X7ES, and their SACD players, CD-1, and xa777es? Just curious if it would keep me happy if I bought.
i'm using a Audible Illusions Modulus 3A pre-amp, Bel Canto EVO2 amp, Celestion 11 (will be replacing with?) speakers, and NAD 5000 CD player (needs to be replaced, is having tracking and skipping problems)

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Showing 1 response by flemke

I have never been able to get cdr's to work but cdrw's always play just fine. I picked up one at Tweeter when they were blown out. I am running it through EVS attenuators,anthem amp2 with Totem Forest speakers. Some of the SACD's sound just awsume. The next time I have some extra cash my plans are to send it in to EVS and get mods.done to it.
