How does one get off the merry-go-round?

I'm interested in hearing from or about music lovers who have dropped out of the audio "hobby." I don't mean you were content with your system for 6 weeks. I mean, you stood pat for a long time, or--even better--you downsized...maybe got rid of your separates and got an integrated.

(I suppose if you did this, you probably aren't reading these forums any more.)

If this sounds like a cry for help, well, I dunno. Not really. I'm just curious. My thoughts have been running to things like integrated amps and small equipment racks and whatnot even as I continue to experiment and upgrade with vigor (I'm taking the room correction plunge, for example.) Just want to hear what people have to say on the subject.

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Showing 1 response by psychicanimal

Listener magazine calls it Hi Fi Hell...

The only way to come out is to forget the system & listen to the music. What types of music you listen to will determine what equipment level is necessary. If you're exclusively into classical and audiophile recordings, then you're SOL. You'll need top of the line stuff to be happy, if ever. If, for example, you're into chamber music and/or acoustic jazz, then some decent electrostatic setup will provide satisfaction. In my case, I listen to everything. This is the hardest system to rig, but it is also the easiest one to forget. That's my goal.

The above reason is exactly why I purchased a Technics 1200 turntable vs an 'audiophile' belt drive. I purposedly decided to stay at that level so as not to be trapped in Hi Fi Hell. I used to work at an Audio/Video store in my senior year in college. There was a $20,000.00 MacIntosh rig with a pair of B&W 801s. The only two rock groups that could be played there were Pink Floyd and Alan Parsons Project. Why would I want such a system? Now I bought a pair of JMlab Tantal 509s. Bingo! I can play classical, jazz, heavy metal, salsa, ANYTHING. The system is revealling enough that it gives me goose bumps on good recordings of good music, but is also tolerant of the rest.

Hope this serves you well.
