How does one get off the merry-go-round?

I'm interested in hearing from or about music lovers who have dropped out of the audio "hobby." I don't mean you were content with your system for 6 weeks. I mean, you stood pat for a long time, or--even better--you downsized...maybe got rid of your separates and got an integrated.

(I suppose if you did this, you probably aren't reading these forums any more.)

If this sounds like a cry for help, well, I dunno. Not really. I'm just curious. My thoughts have been running to things like integrated amps and small equipment racks and whatnot even as I continue to experiment and upgrade with vigor (I'm taking the room correction plunge, for example.) Just want to hear what people have to say on the subject.

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Showing 4 responses by dpac996

I am grateful to be able to read these posts and totally understand where each and everyone of you is coming from. As I read through these posts at one point or another I swear I could have written them all myself. This is a hobby, we do love music but oftentimes confuse this with power/equipment/status/acceptance...etc but in the end its still just you and your music.
I went through 2 cycles of upgrades /downgrades... THis is a crazy hobby but I love it.

To answer the question:
Not that I do this, but you could have your wife take over the bank account balancing. You could soon realize how foolish this silly hobby truly is ;)
1) enjoy what you have
2) stop visiting the internet sites including audiogon (if this makes it through it will be a miracle)
3) throw away useless piles of audio rags
4) take a ~2 week break on listening to music.

I think 2 and 3 are more important than people realize.
Sell your separates and current speakers, put most of your money into even better speakers but go with a really nice integrated amp with tone controls. Choose carefully and you really may be off the merry go round while still retaining awesome sound.