How do you tell how dirty your power is?

If this has been covered I am sorry but I want to know how you can measure if your power is dirty and thus evaluate best course of action, I assume no power is perfect but some must have it much worse then others.

Showing 1 response by ptmconsulting

TBG makes a good point. There are several types of power filtering, from transformers to chokes to capacitors to active re-generating devices. Each has its place and results in different trade-off's. Some can work together and others can't. Some work better for source components but not for amps. There's more to this science (yes, science, because each has a provable result on dirty power sources) than just buying something and saying "it helps" or "it makes things worse".

There's a lot posted about power conditioning on many forums. Do some searching and read up a bit. Then by all means, buy something used that makes sense and try it out. But just because that may not work doesn't mean that the correct type of power conditioning isn't needed in your room.
