How do you store and catalog your vinyl?

Just curious how members store, sort and catalog their vinyl collection.
With less than a 1000 I have a hard time remembering just what I already own and have purchased duplicates by mistake whilst at the LRS.

How do you store them?
How do you sort them? Alphabetical or genre or year?
Catalog? In the good old days probably in a note book modern equivalent would be a word document or excel spreadsheet.

Very interested to hear what you do and how you manage that massive collection.

Showing 25 responses by uberwaltz

Got to say Discogs has been a lifesaver.
Or at least a money saver as my memory fades and it saves me buying the same album over and over.
While cataloging for the first time I found I had three copies of dream of the blue turtles!!

Now I also use it to randomly chose an album for me to play.
Course that’s only half the battle, it does not help me find it.... lol.
Those old jukeboxes definitely had something going Β for them.
Absolutely unbelievable!

And I thought I paid a lot for it at a dive record store in Fargo, North Dakota about 3 years ago at $69!

Holy cow!
I guess I should not be surprised but Discogs does not catalog r2r pre recorded tapes.
Oh well if they are all I have to remember I should survive.

I hear you on the CD ripping, pretty soul destroying.

I limited myself to 15 to 20 a day max.
Still took forever it seemed.
And still had to go in and fix some bad tags, that was really depressing!

I must admit to having bought a LOT lately though with thrift shops near giving them away!
And they have never sounded so good as of late through my C.E.C transport.
Kinda cool cataloguing my collection although time consuming.

Get to learn exactly what I have as I go along and even been able to submit Three new versions that were not in the database.

Even though the monetary value is not that important , that is also amusing when I look at the value range.

Vinyl complete.
CD that I still have on shelves complete although that is maybe 10% of total I own, rest were ripped a while ago and got boxed up and placed in the outer garage loft storage area.
Suppose at some stage I will have to drag them down and catalog all of them as well. Oh joy!
Working through cassettes right now.
After I looked over Discogs closely I decided it just was not worth the effort to create something of my own.

One of my primary goals was to have at hand information on present collection.
This way when in my LRS or thrift stores I can instantly check if i already own my proposed purchases!

The Discogs app works perfectly on my phone for that function.

Just have to complete it all....
Then my cassettes....
Then my CDs......
Then my R2R......
Been a while but.

Finally got a week of downtime from work and after completing "some" of the honeydew list found time to make a start.

Decided to use Discogs as a lot of the hard work already done.

Actually quite interesting when you see where some of your vinyl came from, found I have a fair number of South American albums.

But it's a LONG haul... Lol.

At least I have made a start!
Lost track but that might be the first example of cataloging on Excel which is what I initially had in mind to do.
Why on earth would you expect any angry emails after that post?

2 channel.

Yep that darn job and work lark is well over
Gets in the way of serious music time!
Discogs does seem to have a lot of supporters.
Going to investigate while my collection is manageable!
You are
If you assume 1 hour per record, non stop is approx 114 years worth.

I still cannot begin to imagine what a million records looks like in accessible storage!

Mind boggling is about as far as I have got my head round it so far
Agreed on Ikea, I hauled 5 units up from Orlando in my old El Camino, poor thing was dragging its behind with the
Of course couple months after that they opened an Ikea in my town, go figure!
That does sound a decent idea as yes when I buy new albums I am sorting alpha and when a cube is full then have to start shifting more albums over which can then have a serious knock on effect!

Had a purchase of just 3 albums cause 1 hours worth of moving and rethinking other albums!

I am being pursued by a wild GK like creature.

Oh wait.


Nothing more to worry about then

Defrag the human brain!
If only! Think what it might do for GK!
But then again what fun would life be without all those absolutely useless pieces of trivia you accumalate over the years!


Glad its not just me then!

I suppose I should catalog them, add to a spreadsheet and have a copy on my phone. That way when perusing my LRS I can check if I already have it.

But I am too lazy so far and rely on memory which gets a little rusty with the years it seems!
There is definitely a LOT of thought and effort going into some peoples collection and organization of the same.
I like the idea of doing record store style but that must take up a lot of floorspace if you have a large collection?
I still cannot really get my mind round what 25000 records stored in an archival and easily accessible way can look like.
Has to take up an entire room?
I get frustrated at times with my small collection even though it is in alphabetical order
That would help for sure Steve.
My mind still boggles at the sheer shelf space taken up by say 100k records and how to find or decide what to listen too.
I imagine a sort of huge library where the owner has a set of steps on runners to whiz round and pick out albums from the upper reaches!
For example I read in another thread of someone having 25000 lps and knowing people who had a million of them.
Say what?
Just HOW in the world do you store them AND be able to access them and actually find something you are looking for??
Ah yes good job we are in the modern age, there's an app for that lol.

How do the owners of mega collections store them and organise them physically.
Has to be a daunting task!