How do you prepare for a record show?

I have one coming in my area within a week.

I gone through many shows. At first I just attended. Later, I had some sort of idea as to what I wanted. Later again, I had become more aware of what might be accomplished by having a strategy.

So, given my enlightened history, and taking into consideration your thoughts, how do you currently approach an upcoming show?

One thing I do is limit my spending by having a certain amount brought with me.

I do think that now, I need to narrow things down to original pressings from the UK and the like... mono vs stereo..?
I make a short list of interesting items and, "stick to it".

Any other thought?


Showing 1 response by jazzcourier

I don't know if you have the nerve to take this on,but i always arrive an hour to an hour and a half early and just walk in as the dealers are bringing in their records.I just walk in quickly like i belong there,that way i can scope out who has what and where it is and which is the best booth to start with.Set up a game plan.This is when the dealers are trading records with each other and going through each others stuff.It's easy to start up a conversation and get some intell on who might have what you are looking for.Just don't start pawing through records without the sellers ok,this will get you on the wrong side of where you want to be,understandably,they are looking out for guys like me who come in early to get the best deals,so you got to be cool.Something might fall in your lap,you never know.
     Just keep moving and be pleasant and you will definitely be unnoticed,if someone asks if you are a dealer just say you were helping someone bring in their stock.You can always slip back out and get in line with the riff raff.  
   Oh yeah,bring money,lots of money,