How Do You Organize Your Music?

Depending on how much music you have, I'm sure everyone organizes their music a little differently. Do you separate by genre, then alphabetize? Do you have a chronological system? Do you tab where the next letter starts?

I'm curious to know how people with huge music libraries catalogue their music. Digital music can be very easy to organize if you have accurate ID3 tags, but what do you do with your CDs and LPs?

Showing 1 response by kevine

DVD Audio, Sacd Classical, Sacd (the rest), MFSL Gold, DCC Gold, Gold (the rest), Christmas, All remaining music in Alphabetical order--box sets included. I started collecting cds when they first came out, and, for better or worst, have accumulated over 15000 discs. Being a furniture builder, over the years I built large oak drawer units (40” wide, 24 inches deep, and 72 inches high, nine drawers each) to store them in. I also have 500 albums from my earlier days, which I built a cabinet for. My wife puts up with my music collecting, because she collects movies, which I built a 2000 dvd rack for. All of my music is kept in my den.