How do you make a final decision on a DAC

Thank you all for helping me along the way. I've been trying to decide on a DAC for my 2 channel system. I listen to JUST R&R  60's, 70's, 80's more or less and stream from my windows based Pc Via Amazon HD (which I really enjoy)  loudly currently through my Benchmark DAC 3B, and my Audiolab 6000 Transport. Associated equipment:  Should be here this week after waiting 7 months, ATI amp, 6002, Benchmark Line amp LA-4, Tekton SE Double Impacts and an SVS sb 4000 sealed sub. Really enjoy.  A ceiling of 5K is somewhat available, # 1 choice is Denafrips Terminator 2, (a little nervous as once you order it's yours) Audio Mirror Tubadour 3 SE, Aqua La Voce 3.  Don't really want a preamp/Dac combo, just a DAC. Listen in a very large shop area with great acoustics. ( just by chance.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Pulling hair out at this point, what little there is.  Thanks as always    Robert TN   ps service is a big priority!!!!


Showing 1 response by bobpyle

Audition in your listening environment is the only way.

Any new component has to have synergy with your existing system.

Don't be influenced by a brand name, reviews or technical numbers.

Listen passively and, if you are drawn away from what you are doing by the sound, you will be on to something.

When you feel that you are being entertained more by the music and you stop thinking about your system, that will be a good indicator to help you make a choice.