How do you listen?

Forgive me for having the impression that proper audiophilism involves assuming a comfortable sited position at the triangular apex of two fixed points with a meditative smile as aural sweetness is mindfully digested. My problem is I am a modern multi tasking spastic and cannot sit still without reading, watching silent football games, yelling at my kid, etc.etc. Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?

Showing 1 response by mammothguy54

OP, may I recommend that you work on having some diversity in life.  If you don't have a hobby or activity that you can divide your time with, I highly recommend you seek that out.  Of course, everyone is different, but I can say that for me having several activities pays dividends for when it is time to relax.  I enjoy mountain hiking.  I enjoy skiing.  I enjoy offshore fishing.  And there is always something to repair or upgrade in & around the house.  Listening to music is another "activity" (if one can really call it that) and can be enjoyed almost daily.  I find that by spending my time enjoying all of these other activities I am better able to sit in the sweet spot and fully engage with the music.  The sound quality plays a role here, too.  It is amazing to experience the sense of depth, imaging, and tonal balance.  But it's the music that takes you on the journey.
Anyway, I can only offer my views and yours may differ.  But I do believe that having several activities allows one to relax and enjoy other time spent in life.  In this case it is music and high fidelity that I am referring to.
Life is too short so just relax, and enjoy the music.