How do you listen?

Forgive me for having the impression that proper audiophilism involves assuming a comfortable sited position at the triangular apex of two fixed points with a meditative smile as aural sweetness is mindfully digested. My problem is I am a modern multi tasking spastic and cannot sit still without reading, watching silent football games, yelling at my kid, etc.etc. Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?

Showing 1 response by joeyga

I've a few different listening modes that include outside with a favorite cigar and an adult beverage,  either beer or bourbon, my secondary system rolling the blues, toasty warm in front of the fire pit, clear starry nights.  At a minimum its a 1.5 hour committment once I light up.  Backyard is heavily treed on 3 sides, somewhat amphitheater-ish, quite serene.  The occasional barking dog, gunshot (coons or coyotes) here or there, chainsaws long gone silent.

Inside it's a full on music refuge, 18 x 31 with an 8 foot ceiling, primary system complimentary adult beverage, zero distractions.  Amazing listening experiences, will have to wipe away the tears some nights it's that emotional...

Tertiary system for the indoor spa, fourth for workshop and garages.  Gotta have tunes whilst fiddling with the toys.

Everyday`s a Saturday when you retire!!!! Good stuff indeed.