How do you listen?

Forgive me for having the impression that proper audiophilism involves assuming a comfortable sited position at the triangular apex of two fixed points with a meditative smile as aural sweetness is mindfully digested. My problem is I am a modern multi tasking spastic and cannot sit still without reading, watching silent football games, yelling at my kid, etc.etc. Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?

Showing 3 responses by edcyn

I mostly just sit there and listen. Sometimes I'll get up and dance. Sometimes a good book or magazine. Or fiddling with that damned invention I'm using to write to you Joes right now.
I admit to sometimes following librettos when I listen to opera or lieder. Liner notes are often enlightening (and, ahem, fun), too. Petting the cat. Reading stereo magazines & high-end mail order catalogues to fuel my profligate tendencies and to chuckle at the hype. Ignoring the television blaring in the other room.  Ignoring phone calls. Doing hardnosed, hard-eared critiques of what I'm listening to. The tutties are too fruity! Is that original instrument ensemble purposely trying to sound sour? Why doesn't the Academy of Saint Martin in the Fields get more respect? Sweeter string tone has never existed! Fist pumping. Dancing. Air-guitaring along with the Ramones. Gazing at the sunset through my window.
On a related note, I just don’t play my guitar or fiddle as well when the TV is on. Luckily, the piano is in a spot that is far, far away from all media sources.