How do you guys choose between CD releases?

This has been been bugging me for some time now and I'm wondering if any of you guys have a sensible way of choosing which release of a CD to buy. I buy the vast majority of my CDs on Amazon and too frequently have to choose between two releases of a CD e.g., 1990 or 2003. If there is a remaster I usually go with it, unless I'm warned off. That doesn't bother me, it's choosing between to releases with no more to go on than the year of release. You can't judge by sampling; you don't even know which release you're listening to, and Amazon reviews are seldom release specific. Should I just buy the newest, the cheapest or (gulp) most expensive? Any secrets? How do you guys decide?

Showing 3 responses by phaelon

The tone of my thread takes it for granted that there is a difference between reissues. That probably should have been my first question. Is this something that I should even be concerned about?
"Soon, there will be blu-ray versions of some cd's and those will, in most cases, sound much better then any of the cd releases."

I realize that given just how rapidly digital technology is changing, that this is probably a question more appropriately asked of Kreskin, but what will be the preferred digital source 5, 10 years from now? Are CDs doomed in the foreseeable future? Will a single format emerge to finally dominate (and by dominate I mean in terms of acceptance by both purists and the mainstream)? Should an audiophile with wisdom stop investing in CDs now? What do you guys think?
"what about the quality of the "reviewer?" and what if they are just listening to snidbits over their mp3 players."

Good point Oakleys, especially since I frequently rely on Amazon reviewers. I know quite a few people who listen exclusively on whatever system comes as standard equipment with their car.