How do you get to listen to high end speakers?

Wierd question.

Since I was a little kid and my father bought his first "Hi Fi" rig, Ive been hooked on the stuff.

I am a fan of the hobby and my interests in it have flucuated throughout the years. Kind of bouncing between a mild involvement to nuerosis.

I am absolutley entranced by the workmanship, build quality and engineering of some of todays high end audio gear manufacturers.

So that brings me to my question.

How does a guy, that simply cannot afford the best the industry has to offer, get a chance to listen to some of it every now and then? If for no other reason than to hear what he might strive for in his own personal system.

For example, Wilson Audio. While Im not poor by any stretch, I also just cannot afford a pair of $125,000 X-2's, let alone the front end worthy of such a mighty speaker. Does that mean that I should forever be shut out of the kingdom of audio nirvana?

Dont get me wrong, Im not asking someone to let me take a pair home and audtion them. However, is it wrong to find a high end dealer that might have a pair on display as demos and ask to take a listen, at least for a song or two?

Im not asking for the keys to the kingdom, maybe just let a fan of the craft take a peek through the front doors now and again.

I live in South Florida and found a local high end dealer that had a set of MAXX's on demo. While in there to buy a $350 center channel speaker cable, I asked if I could take a listen. I was told no. That auditions were for potential buyers only. Meanwhile, two guys had just walked out of the room after having them cranked up.....employees, not customers.

Now dont get me wrong, I dont expect them to just let anyone and everyone in the world to come in and start jamming with their $175,000 rig. Im not just anyone. Im a customer that over the years has probably spent $3000-$4000 dollars in various stuff there. Cables, speaker stands and the like.

Am I on the market for a $40,000 set of speakers? Absolutley not.

Would I love to listen to them? Of course.

So has Hi Fi become the new class system. The realm of the rich and mighty where the "haves" dont even let the "have nots" take a peek into their realm?

If I was the owner of the business, I would love to let true fans of the hobby take a listen to perfection, even if I knew they could never afford the product. I would love to inspire people, to give them a glimpse of what is possible. To teach people to be excited about Hi Fi and music again and to give them a goal to work towards with their own personal systems.

Besides, a guy that knows that once a awhile he can listen to the newest and latest in esoteric gear, will frequent the store more. Knowing that, what Hi Fi junkie walks into audio nirvana without at least buying something?

Seems like a good way to get repeat customers.

Showing 3 responses by lrsky

Sadly this is one of the issues confronting the 'mystique' of High End Audio.
Two very disparate perspective taint this discussion.
"Hey some guy in Studio Three wants to hear the Wilson Grand Slams, and he looks like he couldn't afford a Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast."
"Yea, well blow him off, tell him they're not hooked up."
Customer, leaving the store, "That ass*ole, doesn't know that Kenney Chesney sent me in here to audition these to see if they're as good as everyone says. What a schmuck. OR
"You know honey, every since we inherited your Dad's money people seem less inclined to wait on us. Let's look on the internet."

All to sadly, dealers prejudge buyers, or assume that two hours with the customer is wasted, since the prospective buyer will go the 'net, and buy a used, or from elsewhere, just to save taxes.
My training that I did for THIEL at stores around the US, mentions this very issue. The training, called, "Eleven Hard Earned Lessons" highlights this very situation in great detail.
The most frustrating part of all this is, the customer WANTS to buy, and the dealer WANTS to sell, and friends, THAT is fertile ground for happy customers, AND profits.
Sorry, I am not pontificating, but bear with me while I tell a story that happened to ME as Vice President of Sales for THIEL Audio, in one of OUR Dealerships.
I was doing sales training for free, as part of my effort to establish dealer partnerships, instead of just a supplier, buyer relationship, (more on that another time).
Anyway, they had two salesmen, who were experienced in sales but not audio. But the mistake you're about to hear about, has nothing to do with audio experience, just common sense.
In roll playing, I set up the scenario that I wanted to talk to a salesman, he approaches...
Hi there.
How may I help you?
Well, I just saw a friends magazine, uh Stereophile?
Yes that's it.
Yeah, anyway there was this speaker on the front, of it that looked really good cosmetically, something my wife might go for because the wood was really nice, and it was a THILL, or uhh
(No help from him to say THIEL)
Anyway, I saw it laying on your counter when I came in. I had looked in the Yellow pages and saw that you sell them.
And I'd like to hear them, and maybe, if they sound as good as the reviewer guy said...
The salesman, given this 'Slam Dunk' scenario shot back with: Hmmm...What kind of turntable do you have? Then he proceeded, for ten minutes to try to sell me a turntable, even though I asked several times about the speakers again.

I told the dealer about it, dismayed at the salesman's lack of attention to my buying signals, and just plain old questions. And, instead of him being concerned, he defended the salesman, and said, "Well, he's new."
I countered with, "Yes, but he does speak and understand English doesn't he?"
Mediocrity in sales people abounds, and customers often take advantage of dealers, demoing, when having no intention of buying 'locally'.
HOWEVER, that is no excuse to not DEMO.
Dealers MUST DEMO or DIE!!!

To the person wanting a demo. Call the manufacturer; ask for the local representative of their product; have them call the store owner "at your request" and introduce you.
Make the appointment to go in and listen at a predetermined time. This will allay any confusion or poor treatment.
Most all manufacturers are dying to have people respond to their reviews, or their advertising. They have no control over the way that some people treat customers at the retail floor level.
Good luck.
I really see nothing wrong with a newbee, calling to have that personal invitation.
Certainly it's partly true that if the dealer won't help its his problem; the issue is that the customer STILL hasn't been serviced. That only points out the bad dealers and doesn't help the customer.
I have given personal introductions to dealers from customers who called the factory for information.It is a very simple process that helps BOTH parties.
The dealer is on the ready for the, sometimes intimidated customer, putting him or her at ease and gives him great treatment.
It should be that all experiences are that way but they aren't.
I have made many customers VERY happy by giving them a simple intro to their local dealer.
You should have to go into some of those kinds of stores as the Vice Pres. of Sales, for a company which they just USE in order to sell other products (sell against).
I held a sales meeting that was not pretty. It was almost as if I were pledging for a frat. Some of these, (hi killerpiglett, couldn't have said it better) 'glorified sales clerks', are downright NASTY.
Your only gotcha, on all this is that they have to be transient, since they can't sell anything, and will never be successful in any industry requiring grace and ability.
On the other hand stores like Progressive Audio in Columbus, has a great group of guys who know what they are doing, and don't pretend to be part of the 'Manhattan Project' working on secret, sacred government plans.
Don't let the jerks get you down, because there are plenty of good ones out there too.

Good listening