How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?

Maybe this topic is more of recommendation and sharing ideas than a question. We invested in our hifi systems for years to get to a place where we appreciate what our systems sound. Now, how do you find time to enjoy listening to music if many of us work long hours and still need to take care of family, errands etc…I don’t remember when was the last time I spent more than 2 hours a week at the most to enjoy the system I spent $$$ to build. How do you find time to enjoy your system?


Showing 1 response by oldschool1948

Before I retired, I remodeled my man cave.  As part of that, I sold my McIntosh system and gave away my beloved 1980's system and began building my retirement system.  My man cave has a dedicated listening room; a pool table area; an area for my HO train layout; a bar area; and a TV room.

During the winter months, I try to spend several hours per week just listening to music.  At other times, I spend a few hours working on my HO train layout while listening to music in the background. On occasion, my wife may join me - she loves music as well, but she's OK listening to a small system in our sitting room or our whole house system.

During the summer months, I spend less time in the house thus a little less time listening to music (at least during the day).  My wife is an avid golfer, I don't play golf.  When she's on the course, I'm sometimes out with my photography gear taking pictures or riding my bike. 

I think I've found the right balance between sitting on my butt just listening to music and enjoying my other hobbies and favorite activities.