How do you find BEST classical recordings???

So many recordings of the same piece! Of course we all want great sonics and great performances. Some go for technique, others go for emotion, etc. The question is: when you want to hunt down the best recording of a particular piece, where do you go for info? What criteria do you use? Got any good tips?

(answers should apply to CD's and vinyl)

Showing 1 response by cpdunn99

These are all good suggestions. I read everything I can, ask friends, borrow recordings, listen at the store (some stores will open CDs for auditioning). There are also people who post reviews regularly on I have found a few reliable people whose opinions I've come to trust.

BBC Music mag has not received a mention (or maybe I overlooked it). The only thing I sort of like about it is that they do rate "Sound." However, the text of their reviews is (a) short and (b) rarely explains a low rating for sound.

American Record Guide is another option.