How do you feel about Eggleston Speakers?

Dear Agon,

I've found a couple of opportunities to acquire EgglestonWorks Savoy Signature SE speakers.

These are replacing a pair of Klipsch Jubilees.

My listening room is 20x30 with 10' ceilings.

I have not listened to any Eggworks speakers before however I've "got a feeling" these could be fun. 

I have not chosen an amplifier for them yet, you could say i'm rebuilding from scratch.

thank you all for your advice and opinions.  I'm in New Orleans so I listen to a lot of jazz. :)


I own Andra 1 for maybe 20 yrs now.Read the Wes Philip review will help.My Andra    With the right power amplifier, they are amazing. Many owners used Krell, Mark Levinsons to power them.I did try to bring those amps to power them.They did perform but in my system they sound good but Iam not getting the musicality Iam looking for.Until I found the Tsakadiris Apollon 150 per channel tube amps. With tubes Iam getting good sounds and musicality. No boomy bass.If you are really interested on the savoy prepare yourself getting a tube amp or at least tube preamp. It will reward you.

@ozzy62 tell me about it.  They did everything right except for fit in the decor.  Cest la vie!