How do you clean your records?

Hey everyone,
I am a younger audiophile and have recently just purchased my first analog rig (vinyl supplied from my relatives unused collections). I was just wondering a cheap way to clean records. I only purchased a Music Hall MMF-2, so I feel that something like a record cleaning machine would be ridiculous. Someone suggested windex and a paper towel, but I don't want to ruin my small record collection in hopes that one day a better turntable might come. Thanks for the help.

Showing 1 response by tazuser

Get the disc doctor cleaning system and DON'T USE WINDEX!
Don't waste your money on a vacuum cleaning system.

Goto Home Depot and pick up a small $30.00 wet/dry vac.
Get some of those large round cotton face pads women use to remove make up and tape one tightly around the opening of the wet/dry vacs' hose. Just make sure the tape is wrapped around the sides of the hose and does not in any way get near the mouth.

Poke a slit through the center of the pad with a sharp pointed kitchen knife. You can use your finger to carefully enlarge the hole from the center.

Now you can clean and rinse the records with the Disc Doctor system and use the shop vac to remove all the waste water. Just be sure to check the pad for edge wear and replace it with a fresh one as needed.