How do you choose your daily dose of music?

Sometimes I get music stuck in my head and just have to listen to it.  Other times during my daily meanderings I hear something (not necessarily music) that make me think of an album or song I want to hear.  Just a curious question.
Do you thumb through your library and choose or does one thing lead to another (this is typically my case)?
I certainly can find myself lost as in down the rabbit hole and it may last for hours. Do you find yourself going after music that is recommended here or other places, or by other people etc.  

Showing 2 responses by edcyn

Right now I'm listening to a Harmonia Mundi France LP of Medieval English Vocal Music. I have no idea how it ended up on my shelf. A promo copy I got when I worked at Tower Classics? Did someone just out-and-out give it to me? Does it belong to my wife?
I'll glance at my record or CD collection. I'll have a tune, an artist or an urge to hear an instrument (I'm including stuff like violin sections here). I'll have a riff or melody floating through my brain. I'll have a yen to hear some three dimensionality. I'll cue up Qobuz or Primephonic and peruse their home pages. In other words, I just dumbly let things happen.