How do they MIC a symphony?

I'm not a big classical fan but what I like I love. Mostly I'm into solos but I just listened to the Classic 45 series of Beethoven's "Violin Concerto (in D)" - Heifetz/Munch with the Boston Symphony and the recording was incredibly airy. I thought there was static on the LP at first but then I realized it was the rustling of a shirt and the whistling of a nose from (I assume) the conductor breathing and since many instruments were playing I'm assuming it wasn't from a single musician (unless a very overweight triangle player.) Whoa! (Am i hearing things, btw?)

I've heard similar personal sounds on Beehoven's "Moonlight Sonata" (Serkin) and Bach's 6 suites for cello (Casals) but these are solo pieces and the sound was coming from the players which makes sense.

How do they mic a live symphony? How do they mic a recorded one? Where do the engineers try to place the home audience?

Hope those questions aren't too basic but I'm fascinated by this now and would love to know.


Showing 1 response by rushton

Of course you intended to type "Wilkinson" of Decca, as in Kenneth Wilkinson. Great listing of superb recording engineers.