How do the Elac Uni-Fi UB5s compare to more expensive bookshelf speakers?

How do the Elac UB5s compare to other popular and well reviewed bookshelf speakers? How would they compare to the Kef ls50s or dynaudio excite x14s or some of the other well reviewed bookshelf speakers around the $1500 mark in Stereophile. I am tempted t get a pair of the Elacs in the slim finished cabinets for around $750 but I don't want to short myself.
I believe in your premise Kalali, balance in a system is important, otherwise one is always chasing the 'weak link'. I have no doubt that the LS50 is capable of exposing the differences between a $500 SS amp vs. a $2000 tube one. Likely the UB5 could do the same. However pairing a set of speakers with an amplification costing 5-10 X the cost is not advisable (not saying you implied this). That said, I can't say I agree when I hear one advise others that they should spend 1/2 their audio budget on speakers. There are situations (upper end budgets) when this may be justified however not for the majority. 

Thanks for everyone's comments. I am using a Peachtree decco 125se for amplification. Supposedly it pairs very well with the kef. According to the reviews I have read both speakers need plenty of power to sound their best and the elacs respond well to more expensive partnering kits. 
In terms of cost the truth is that I could buy the Elacs off of Amazon very soon because I have both cash and gift cards. If I hold out for the Kefs it will probably take me another 6 months of saving. 

I also should say that I will partnering either set of speakers with a subwoofer so bass response isn't something I am particularly worried about. I also listen to music at relatively low volumes. 

I listen mostly to low key rock and folk music and concentrate on vocals more than anything else so I need a speaker that excels at that. I tend to like a brighter sound though right now I am using a pair of wharfedale 10.1s and I hear from others that they have a warm sound to them. I am sure either pair of speakers will be an upgrade. I am concerned with aesthetics because who doesn't like nice things. I would probably spring for the slim finished cabinet ELACS which brings the price advantage down quite a bit. 

Most reviews and comments I have read praise the Elacs with rock music based on their dynamism and bass response. I have noticed that any reviews of the Kefs are from audiophile sites that tend to audition speakers with classical and jazz music. I think that is more about the reviewers and readership than it is about what the speakers are capable of. However, without being able to A/B them myself I have to take things on faith. I suppose I could order the elacs and then return them if I don't like them. What do you think?
I understand your desire to change the sonic character of your system via speaker change. Serves as one of best ways to explore and discover which sonic characteristics are most important to oneself. After that one can then improve on the quality of the desired presentation with the purchase of a more refined speaker having the desired characters. From reviews do you get the impression that the Elacs are brighter than the Wharfes? If so maybe you should give them a shot.  

With your amplifier you are positioned for speakers that are more refined than the Wharfdales or Elacs. Of the speakers you mentioned, I have heard and really like the Dynaudio X14s. They sometimes come up used here on AG. I intend to purchase a pair myself when a pair comes up at my price. 
Even tougher. Just found a used pair of the finished slim cabinet Elacs for $600 on Amazon. I could get those tomorrow.