How do the Elac Uni-Fi UB5s compare to more expensive bookshelf speakers?

How do the Elac UB5s compare to other popular and well reviewed bookshelf speakers? How would they compare to the Kef ls50s or dynaudio excite x14s or some of the other well reviewed bookshelf speakers around the $1500 mark in Stereophile. I am tempted t get a pair of the Elacs in the slim finished cabinets for around $750 but I don't want to short myself.

Showing 1 response by roscoeiii

If you have the funds to get the ELACs from Amazon now, then I'd do that and take a good listen for yourself. Amazon has an excellent return policy so you've got 30 days to get a feel for whether they are for you (in your space, room matching should not be overlooked!). If not, return them for a refund and save up for some KEFs.