How do the Elac Uni-Fi UB5s compare to more expensive bookshelf speakers?

How do the Elac UB5s compare to other popular and well reviewed bookshelf speakers? How would they compare to the Kef ls50s or dynaudio excite x14s or some of the other well reviewed bookshelf speakers around the $1500 mark in Stereophile. I am tempted t get a pair of the Elacs in the slim finished cabinets for around $750 but I don't want to short myself.

Showing 2 responses by kalali

I had a chance to hear Both UB5 and LS50 twice. The first time the LS50 was paired with a Primaluna integrated and it sounded incredible. I simply could not believe what was coming out of these little box speakers. I had a similar reaction when I heard the UB5 paired with a $400 NAD integrated. A $3500 system vs. an $800 one, both impressive but for different reasons. No question the PL/KEF combo was in a different league.The second time I heard the LS50 I asked the sales guy to switch the amp and hook it up to the same NAD integrated I had heard paired with the Elacs. Even though this was not an A/B test - the dealer did not carry Elacs, I thought the Elacs sounded better - much better bass, detail, etc., with the lesser amp. I just wished I could hear the Elacs with Primaluna amp but I can only imagine how much better they would have sounded. Bottom line (for me) was if I were to buy the KEF, I would either have to be prepared to buy a high quality amplifier, otherwise I'd just go with the Elacs and buy a comparably priced amp. This is all if the SQ is the only criteria otherwise LS50 is in a completely different class when it comes to the build quality.
Another point to keep in mind is the cost of the stands. They tend to make a noticeable difference in the sonics so you don't want to skimp when buying a $1500 speakers.