How do the Elac Uni-Fi UB5s compare to more expensive bookshelf speakers?

How do the Elac UB5s compare to other popular and well reviewed bookshelf speakers? How would they compare to the Kef ls50s or dynaudio excite x14s or some of the other well reviewed bookshelf speakers around the $1500 mark in Stereophile. I am tempted t get a pair of the Elacs in the slim finished cabinets for around $750 but I don't want to short myself.

Showing 2 responses by jayctoy

I own the Wharfedale 10.1 and 10.2.i heard the Ls50 with ML 100 w, accompanied by audio research preamp and theta transport n dac with aq diamond ic n dragon sp cables, they blew me away, this speakers are capable of giving you anything you connect to them, there's limit of course...
The Elac UniB5 I heard at Axpona last year, connected with Audioalchemy gears n Audioquest cables, they also sound very very good.
So which one to choose? If you have budget and good gear Ls50 is the way to go.this is a quality speaker...well made, well built...The B5 you can't go wrong as matter what they are musical...