How do iso. cones work and what are the benefits?

I know this is kind of a newbie question, but what exactly is the idea behind using brass isolation cones under a cdp? I went to try to explain the purchase to the wife, and then realized I didn't exactly know myself! They seem to be very popular, but I am unclear on exactly how they work or what the benefits are.
Is the idea to "drain" any internal vibration from the cdp?
Are they equally as effective under other components such as and amp or pre?
Also, I would appreciate any advice on their use, any tips, placement, etc. Thanks, Jb3

Showing 1 response by ozfly

The references above are very good. I also agree wtih Imin2u that, in the end, all that matters is whether it sounds better to you. My experience has been that these cones create a very positive lift (no pun intended) with the cd player and a noticeable, but far less dramatic, improvement with the preamp. I've also noticed very significant gains with metal cones under my Thiel 6CS speakers -- these gains were even more dramatic than what I experienced with isolation cones used with the cd player. On the other hand, cones or spikes with my current speakers make very litte difference (they weigh a few hundred pounds each, so that could be why). Try it, you'll like it ;-) If you don't, be sure you're able to return the cones. There is no burn-in period. You'll know right away.

By the way, I'm very pleased with my Stillpoints Universal Resonance Dampers -- I use the base and the "cone".