How do I reduce gain on my preamp?

I have new pair of speakers that are much more efficient than my old.
I have an Audio Research LS7 preamp and would like no know how to reduce the gain.

You can insert a pair of Rothwell attenuators between the pre-amp and amp. Technically this does not reduce the gain of the pre-amp, but it does attenuate the signal that is input into the amp. Effectively it is the same result. It will require the volume control of the pre-amp to be set to a higher level to generate the same output volume at the speaker.


Contact Audio Research as they may have a "resistor kit" to reduce the gain. The ARC LS5 MK III's gain could be changed between the nominal 12db and the higher 18db value with a pack of resistors. These easily replaced the existing ones on the PC board. And the cost was just a few $$ and a half hour of time. I suspect many ARC preamps could be changed this way so give them a call. If such a simple circuit change can be done, and you are not good with a soldering iron, any competent electronic technician should be able to do this for you.
Thanks Jafox....shoulda thought this ont before posting.
I called AR and they told me what values to change and faxed me a schematic. Thats customer service!!
08-11-08: Fordmod
I called AR and they told me what values to change and faxed me a schematic. Thats customer service!!
Consider yourself lucky to be dealing with a company that's willing to share this info so you can do it yourself. When I asked AES if it was possible to reduce the gain of my AE-3 DJH, they quoted $125 and no mention of the final gain. It was like pulling teeth to get vague details. I've asked repeatedly if their modification would be attenuation resistors or a change to the original circuit. No reply to that question. How's that for a company that built their reputation on kit building?! AR, on the other hand, has never been a kit company, and yet, look at how accommodating they are.
Your situation occurs far too often in a lot of companies. I have never liked this, and I truely do the same as AR did for me, for anyone calling on my business. It boils down to the corporate culture, and typically comes from the top down.
I get what I want out of life by helping others get what they want.