How do I play a CD on a Pioneer dvd-v7400 ?

Hopefully someone here has this DVD player. I just got one to use as a transport for CDs. I'm using a universal remote and have a copy of the manual. From the little information I've found you have to plug the unit into a TV to set it up for CD playing but the manual is useless as to how to actually do it. I am able to get into the menus but anything I've tried has no effect in getting the unit to play music or even recognize a cd (the disc illumination LED is supposed to flash orange when a cd is inserted - so far just a green light) . It does play DVDs but I read somewhere that it actually has 2 lasers, one for DVDs and one for CDs. It has a total playing time of 5400 hours so has a way to go before the MTBF of 37000 hours and I assume most of those hours are playing DVDs. Any help in setting up the player to recognize CDs would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mike.
I've never owned a DVD/Blu-Ray player that needed anything extra to play a CD and I've owned probably 30 different units. I'm sure that there are some that do, but normally nothing else is required.

I looked at the manual and all I saw pertaining to playing a CD, would be to make sure that the "digital out" is turned on, since you said that you were using it as a transport.

If the unit isn't even reading the CD, have you tried a different CD? You might also try to "reset" the unit. There are instructions for that in the manual. That would allow you to start over from the beginning.
MFM gives good advice. One thing I would add - if the unit has a headphone jack, see if you can hear what's on the CD using a pair of headphones. This will at least tell you if the unit is even reading the CD(s). And be sure to use a commercially pressed CD, not a home burned one...
