How do I go backwards?

I need the help of those people who have cut back on their systems. Due to the deep financial problems my health has created I need to sell off my system, either fully or partially. My system is a Sony SCD-1 (modified) front end, an Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp, two Plinius SA-102 amps bi-amped vertically, Dunlavy IVa speakers and all Nordost Valhalla cabling. My initial feeling is that the front end and speakers have the least value, in that Dunlavy is out of business and the Sony is modified. The cabling is by far the most out of line cost wise for the system I have so I’m looking at them first. So my first question is for people who have tried or sold their Valhalla cables for something substantially cheaper without loosing the detail, speed and transparency. Please speak from experience and what you felt was lost by going “backwards.” Secondly I’m going to need to sell one of the Plinius amps, and possibly both and replace with ????
My biggest concern is my system is so good and soooo musical I’m afraid stepping backward will result in a system that will no longer be enjoyable, and thus my love for recorded music will be lost. I hate to think of no music, but I know if my system looses too much, I’ll simply quit listening. I hope to avoid that.
Please share your experiences and your opinions on how to cut back.
Thank you

Showing 3 responses by lohanimal

Sorry to here of your bad health, I hope it is not long term.

I myself may well be selling up for a short time, and wonder what if any I should sell - I am setting up a business.

Personally do no not sell the SCD/1 it is now irreplaceable. The rest can all be sold, but you must ask the question how much you would lose on the items first and how much you will save. It may mean downsizing is a waste of money.

If you are to get good money with a small loss, do take a chance on some electrostatics by King Audio from China, and some chinese valve amps - good value and high performance all at a low price.

Good luck

Hello Jadem

I read one of your first update posts about your health just now, and apologise for not taking it into consideration with my earlier posting.
I understand you saw your shrinkologist about your having to give up your 'extreme' interests that fully concentrate your mind.
Without wishing to sound either like a hippy/preacher etc, I hope you have some element of spirituality in your life over and above what is material and mundane. As you have undoubtedly noted many people have paid interest in your unfortunate loss of health and therefore your system, but in that process of renunciation you have discovered friends, and also the fun to be had by a less esoteric set up
I must say the most musical fun I used to have was from a cheapo £1.00 music box with radio and record player that i built up my collection on - sound quality crap, material good - never had to worry about sound quality - in fact getting any sound was an end in itself.

Take care of yourself from me in the UK

My posts to this, responses I have seen have made me, and I hope others, to put things into perspective. It may be a cliche, but one which your thread has had me as well as I think others, question the full relevance of their hi-fi in the context of life and other things.

To this end you have only started a good thread, and I don't think you are not of 'the path' so to speak.
