... how do I do this with an Adcom GFA-2535?

Hello to all...

Just scored a near-mint pair of KEF Q1s, and in doing research about them, it appears that the best sound can be coaxed out of them by bi-amping and bi-wiring. Am comsidering using either my Wolze Line Level preamp (tube) or the Morrison ELAD (SS) with an Adcom GFA-2535 amp - but I'm confused about the interconnect cabling I'd need to accomplish using the 4 amps in the Adcom...

I'm assuming it's a custom interconnect - could someone give me the correct terminology to discuss this with a mfg/dist?

Does anyone have experience doing this? Hope someone can shed some light on this for me...

Also: can someone recommend solid speaker stands that won't break the bank...

Thanks for any revelant input or alternate ideas... Best Wishes to all.
...I am assuming the, since there's been no replies in this new forum - this is not the way to achieve bi-wire and bi-amp speakers.

Would I be better off looking at a Denon DRA- 800H receiver, and using the A/B selector to run both both speakers simultaneously?
With that Adcom (or a receiver, for that matter) you aren’t going to get that much power...it’s pretty low-powered (1x200 with channels bridged.) Apparently, you cannot bridge all the channels in that amp to make a 2x200 (for example.) It’s probably not a good fit. I would look more into higher-powered Adcoms or maybe a different brand. I’ve used Adcom 565 monoblocks, 5800, 5802, and 555 in bi-amped setups with no issues.
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