How Do I Delete Low Bit Rate Songs From My Library

I really, really screwed up.....I was ripping a lot of CD's into my computer and I must have hit the wrong button....I accidentally added about 4500 low bit rate (between 150 and 160 bit rate) duplicates onto my Windows 7 music library. They show up in my J River Library as well.....How can I delete them without individually clicking on each song? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY!

Showing 2 responses by isochronism

That is why I'm sticking with Analogue. When a tech helps align your cartridge,
a simple handshake and a pat on the back is all that's required..... HA
You know you are old when you have to search the definition of "gfy".
Old school terminology would've been very different :)
Obviously contrary to Paul's intent:) HA