How do I connect my components using a 5 switch switch box?

My pre-amp is a Cary SLP-05.  I think of the vertical 5 switch switch box as the top number one switch is the power in. Then each of the following switches represents an analog input. Providing power I use the tuner output to switch number one. So that provides an opening to the switchbox itself. Each of the switches are analog inputs when the number is selected. But, I am missing some thing that seems so simple a design. If each switch input is unto itself then one of the analog inputs must be an actual input to one of component inputs on the Cary SLP-05. Since I have 3 tape machines should all 3 be ganged on the tape that is actual input?  Some where along the way my senior mind is getting lost despite so many years with music systems. Help me please!
5 in, 1 out. The single OUTPUT goes to the input on the Cary. Take your pick which one. The inputs (5 in and ONE out) plug what ever you want into it. As far as 3 tape units, that is a question of what you want to do.

To playback or record on a single unit, hook it into the tape loop and the other two INTO TWO of the inputs on the 5 way inputs.

You can play back with any but only record and monitor (adj. tone) with the one in the loop.. You don't have to use the loop out, that is option, but for monitoring and when you flip the switch (Tape Loop) you need the full loop of cables. The cables need to be routed back to the INPUT of the loop, to play back through your monitors (speakers) Switch flipped of course..

You won't loose a darn thing or hear any difference. Use short quality cables. Most RtR and Cassettes are single ended in and out.. Most not all..

I'm 66 passed my exit physical, hearing was just fine.. Way above average for my age.. BUT I still live with ear plugs in my ears through most of my waking hours.. Just a habit from being a HD mechanic for 45+ years. I have an abnormality in my ears, it left me in hoodies and muffs for years as a kid..

My Mid 40s I removed the inserts out of my ears. Real pain and some  ear infections plague users.. I had to be VERY clean in a VERY dirty environment..

My listening sessions sound wonderful at low volume because of the old practice..

If your hearing is GREAT, the only difference you will hear, is from one unit to the next.. VOLUME DOWN.. Always, then switch..

Enjoy ALL the senior moments.. And drink plenty of water.. :-) Does wonders for the ol memory..

I can try to help, but please provide more detail on ALL equipment being used.