@mossyrocks I humbly apologize. Now I am going to offend you again :-) but it is Parts Connexion. I don't know Chris. If you told him the same thing that you said above, that
I was finding I could not get the system to 'juice.
Than perhaps what he meant is that the volume control design of the Ref 6 is such that it is the chief cause of a high-ish (footnote here) output impedance. Footnote-the output impedance of the Ref 6 is not, in relative terms for a tube pre, all that high.
The Ref 6 in balanced mode has output impedance of 600 ohms and the recommended load of the amp for the Ref 6 is 20k ohms or higher. In balanced mode the load of your amp is 30k ohm so you don't have a mismatch on paper but it the margin is not great. This would primarily affect frequency response though it also affects maximum power transfer.
So again, yes, the match is not great. But the OP was asking about soundstaging and you SEEM to be talking about power transfer with "I was finding I could not get the system to 'juice.