How different is Lyra Dorian to the Shelter 501 II

hi guys,

posted this question at the AA and have not been getting much replies. Maybe this forum can help.

I have the shelter 501ii on my vpi scout/jmw9.0. I Like the combo.

Someone is offering me a good price for a used Lyra Dorian. The 501 is more expensive than the Lyra. However the Lyra Dorian seems to be getting good reviews.

anyone heard the two ? what differences in sound are there ?

Seems that this would not be an upgrade but a sidestep thingy.

Thanks for inputs. And would greatly be of help if someone can persuade me to save $ and not the get Dorian because the Shelter is better ? (if that is the case).

Showing 1 response by sktn77a

I think you will find the Shelter is on the "warmer", "euphonic" side of neutral while the Lyra is on the "cool", "analytical" side. This was my finding when I auditioned the 901 and the Argo, assuming each brand has a similar sonic signature.
