How different is Lyra Dorian to the Shelter 501 II

hi guys,

posted this question at the AA and have not been getting much replies. Maybe this forum can help.

I have the shelter 501ii on my vpi scout/jmw9.0. I Like the combo.

Someone is offering me a good price for a used Lyra Dorian. The 501 is more expensive than the Lyra. However the Lyra Dorian seems to be getting good reviews.

anyone heard the two ? what differences in sound are there ?

Seems that this would not be an upgrade but a sidestep thingy.

Thanks for inputs. And would greatly be of help if someone can persuade me to save $ and not the get Dorian because the Shelter is better ? (if that is the case).

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

Trying different cartridges can be both fun and informative. The Shelter 501 is one of the very best cartridges in its' price range, and I think your "testimonial" counts for a lot:
"I have the shelter 501ii on my vpi scout/jmw9.0. I Like the combo."

If you like the Shelter 501 in your system, then stick with it, unless you simply have the audiophile itch to see if the grass is greener elsewhere. If your budget is OK, buy the Lyra, but keep the Shelter until you find out whether you like the Lyra. If you don't like the Lyra, you can re-sell it.

The Lyra is rated at 0.6 mV output, while the Shelter is rated at 0.4 mV, so you won't have any problems with low output.