How did you get started?

There was a thread recently posted that talked about a father helping his son build a system. How many audiogoners got started because a close relative or family member was into it?

I started when I bought my first cdp/boom box. I bought some 6x9 car speakers and built boxes for them. I had both 6x9's and the speakers that came with the boom box all paralleled into the boom box. Needless to say I blew numerous circuits in the house until I bought something with more power. I never had anyone around when I was younger that had interest in high end, I guess I just read a high end audio magazine and was hooked.

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I was raised with music. Live (the Met, standing room every Saturday between ages 3&5) and at home (my faves were Peter and the Wolf and Porgy & Bess.) Played an instrument pretty well. My father had a Bozak-Mac-Fisher system. Showed me the ridges on lamp cord so you knew which side was which and didn't hook things up out of phase. When I was 15 I had my own rig. ElectroVoice, Eico amp, Gerrard. Evolution brought me to KLH 6s and AR3s. Electronics in that period swung between Dyna Stereo 70/PAS3 and Marantz Model 9 and pre with AR table. Segue to: Old Quads with a variety of amps from custom made OTLs to VTL triodes to krell KSA 80 to ARC Classic 30 with Sota table SME V arm and highish output (for moving coil) carts like EMT, Kiseki Rosedwood. The Quads morphed into a ProAc Response 3-ARC VT130 system. Presently I am getting excellent sound from Totem Mani-2s driven by Musical Fidelity M-250 mono blocks supplemented by a Triad sub-woofer. Front ends are Denon DP59L table with integrated dampened arm bearing a ClearAudio Veritas going into a Luxman LE-109 phono preamp (solid state) and an Adcom GFP 750 pre, (used in passive mode.) Digital: Sony 707ES (hardly the newest piece of gear around but very hard to beat.) Oh, and let us not forget the highly modified Kenwood
KT7500 for "free music." Music? Well, I no longer play an instrument pretty; well I do catch concerts (Mahler, Dylan, BB King). Catch some live jazz, usually at clubs. Was fortunate enough to have heard Ray Brown in Boston a year ago and had a date to hear him at Yoshi's in Berkeley. But he died. On the day he died I had enough Ray Brown on CD and vinyl to play for 12 hours straight and have plenty left over.