How did you get started?

There was a thread recently posted that talked about a father helping his son build a system. How many audiogoners got started because a close relative or family member was into it?

I started when I bought my first cdp/boom box. I bought some 6x9 car speakers and built boxes for them. I had both 6x9's and the speakers that came with the boom box all paralleled into the boom box. Needless to say I blew numerous circuits in the house until I bought something with more power. I never had anyone around when I was younger that had interest in high end, I guess I just read a high end audio magazine and was hooked.

Showing 1 response by aceto

I was on the school playground after lunch when a dirty man in a raincoat approached me. "Hey kid, I want you to try something. Don't worry, I'm not gonna take nothin from ya." And he slips me a slim package in a brown wrapper. "If ya want more, the directions are in the bag." and he disappears. Inside was a copy of Brubeck-Tjader, and the address of The Record Hunter...