How did you get into this hobby?

I grew up listening to small boom boxes, never heard even a Mid-fi system.

When i joined the military, i first started seeing some component systems. Bass pumping, louder than the big bang.
I thought, "How cool"

Bought my first reciever a few months ago, and a couple low end speakers. Ever since then ive been upgrading.

Now my current system retails new at over 8k(everything included) paid under 6.5k, and with upgrades ive spend over 11k so far.

Been doing this for maybe 5 -6 years

Showing 1 response by timf

It began almost to the day my girlfriend left me! The interest was always there, but at the time I thought I would show her by taking up with a pair of really bad speakers.As it turned out, she was the one who had to show me how to hook them up-to tell me what a receiver was, and how to put together a system.In walking me through all this I really got to know her in a way I never bothered to before, and this is where a really solid & generous relationship began for us. I was always trying to fix her, and all along she was just waiting for a moment when she could rescue me.