How did you get into this hobby?

I grew up listening to small boom boxes, never heard even a Mid-fi system.

When i joined the military, i first started seeing some component systems. Bass pumping, louder than the big bang.
I thought, "How cool"

Bought my first reciever a few months ago, and a couple low end speakers. Ever since then ive been upgrading.

Now my current system retails new at over 8k(everything included) paid under 6.5k, and with upgrades ive spend over 11k so far.

Been doing this for maybe 5 -6 years

Showing 1 response by dmitrydr

Everything started when my dad let me sit with headphones listening Mozart, I was 3 years old... In school I started to save for my first "upgrade": some unit consisting of LP and Tape in one with two funny one-way speakers. And, so on...