When using jumper cables instead of biwire speaker cables, do the jumpers need to be as good a quality or better than the actual quality of the  speaker wires? The jumpers need to be 6” to 9” long. Also is it better to hook the main speaker wires to the low end and then run the jumpers to the high end or visa versa?


Showing 1 response by mbolek

Here are my thoughts on bi-wiring.  I guess if you are going to do it, use the same type of cabling that you have from the amp/amps. From there, you now have to deal with what type of connectors (or lack of) and be ready for all the opinions that one brand/type/termination sounds better.  Use good copper and make sure all the connections are tight/secure.

Over my years, I have not seen any discernible differences other than long ago running custom wiring from Chris VenHaus.  True bi-wire runs of silver (mid/highs) and OCC copper (bass) to my 802Ds from a Levinson amp.   That was several years ago and with much better ears.  Still trying to make myself believe is actually sounded better...

Do you have the ability to modify your speaker and internally connect the wires to one binding post.  This way you can pick your speaker cable of choice and not have to worry about jumpers?

If not, then I would look at bi-amping.  Although, probably not a topic the OP wants to pursue.

Still love the power cord analogy and how it pertains to speaker jumpers.  How does the last 6'/6" really make a difference.  I guess that is why we love/hate this crazy hobby.