How can you utilize EQ/DSP Room Correction w/ SACD

Today's AV receivers and Processors are, more than ever, including better Parametric EQ and DSP room corrective circuitry. I pressume most all of these (obviously, the later) function in the digital domaine. My question is, what is, or are, the best ways to handle SACD material from an outboar player, and still take advantage of the benefits of the EQ/DSP correction built into the processors, for maximum acoustical correction and sonic benefits, for balanced sound in your system.
At the moment, my first thought is that you most always will have to bypass the EQ and Room correction, because you will likely have to use the 5.1/7.1 multi-channel, analog inputs when using an SACD capable player.
I am intereted in all options for using these onboard EQ's, whether processing from the analog or digital domain and/or inputs. Obviously, the most pure path possible would be ideal. Still, short of using an outboard EQ, I want to know all options with what's built in onboard.
Am I missing something? Do some players offer the ability to pass SACD in the digital domain to the receiver/processor, say via HDMI or some other digital connection?
I seem to remember Denon-Link possibly offering this connection between complementing Denon products. In a case such as this, would you be able to take advantage of something like Audyssey room DSP for SACD 2 channel of multi-channel source material?
I hope i'm making my points and questions here clear. I basically want to know the best ways to cconnect up for SACD playback, while taking full advantage of the better EQ circuits available on today's receivers and AV-pre's on the market.
Any pertinent responses appreciated.
I guess I researched my own answer. Apparently the DSD single bit enconding that SACD uses needs to be changed into a multi-bit PCM format for the DSP functions, such as EQ, Bass management, sound modes, etc, to process. So, whether it be an analog signal - which would have to go through an A to D to A conversion - or digital signal - that, at some point along the chain, needs to do a PCM conversion - some trade-offs will be on the table with SACD and modern day pre's and receivers, to take full advantage of DSP processing.
Of course, a Rives PARC in the analog domain is an option. But not a reasonably cost efficient option here for most mid-fi/entry hi-fi ambitious systems.
HOWEVER! Am I to understand that there are some potential issues that might need to be adressed by using HDMI to tranport SACD/ converted PCM material? I think I read that there are some "jitter" issues in separating the signal and recontructing it, whatever? Is it better to use someother digital connection, like Coax, or can you even use coax, for connecting and playing SACD to my reciever/pre?