How can we settle for digital?

My friend, a recording engineer, once made a remark when I told him I had spent $3000 on a CD player. He said "How far can you polish a turd?" Those I know in the music business all agree that digital can only go so far. Vinyl is certainly making a comeback, but the advent of new digital formats seems to perpetuate new hope on the part of audiophiles. Do you buy it? Or are you sticking with your records? Or will you stand up for your $3000+ CDP? Is it just polishing a turd?

Showing 1 response by paladin

Digital is fine - For background music as I work & do not have to leave my desk to flip, clean & cue every 20 minutes.
I normally listen to digital about 5 hours a day.
When it comes time for serious listening - I sit in the sweet spot & cue up 2 - 3 hours of vinyl.
To my ears - I have not heard any $3K CD player that approaches vinly!
Don't get me wrong as there is truely a place for digital, but comparing digital to vinly is like comparing digital to the compressed noise that comes from a ipod.
I've been a vinly collector & fanatic for 45 years & have almost every album that I could wish for.
Through my ears & my system digital (especially HRCD) can sound 85%-90% as good a vinly, but the last 10%- 15% is worth every penny & effort of listening to a great LP.