How can technics justify $4000 for a new SL-1200 turntable?

When people compare the new to the vintage you know the vintage will win because there is an agenda to make new versions of vintage gear with hidden ways to emit frequencies or othere ways to subiminally effect us in a negative way. just like when i said they were putting lithium in the drinking water and people said i was crazy and then they had to admit that they were indeed doing it claimed it was to keep people from commiting suicide because of the covid plandimic which is why i only drink shungite's all tied in together and music is one of there favorite targets friends.

Showing 1 response by guitarsam

Sam here and the point is the record companies sony, warner, umg, are owned by the same people that own all the other media outlets and the parent companies are the same with the same agenda like the bill and melida foundation for population control.