There are two sets of opinions about building a system: start with the source components, or start with the speakers.
And then there's the third set of opinion...
The Psychic says:
Start with power delivery/noise control. The Archives have plenty of information, there's also a power forum in Audio Asylum sponsored by PS Audio ( biased towards their products, of course).
If you would like to find out if what I'm saying is correct, start in this order with some cheap alternatives that will blow you away:
1) Dedicated line for your system.
2) Cryogenically treated power outlet (I use ACME silver plated cryo).
3)Separate power filtration for digital DVD/DAC. Something simple, like a used ONEAC three ampere isolation transformer/filter from e-Bay (around $25 dollars, 15 pounds). Shipping will be outrageous, so surface mail will be necessay.
4) A good power cord for your Rotel, like those from Ven Haus Audio ( Flavor 4 I recommend).
5) Parallel filtration for your entire system.
"Más vale maña que caña."
--Ismael Rivera