First of all, be sure the cartridge setup is spot on. It can make all the difference in ho-hum and spectacular. After that, I would upgrade the cartridge first, the phono stage next, then the arm and lastly the table. Again, don't do anything until you know the setup is right and you're getting all the performance that is available with your current system.
How can I reach vinyl nirvana with my setup?
I know my system is capapble of sounding better when it comes to playing vinyl, but I don't know how to get there. My system: Rogue Cronus Integrated tube amp, Spendor 5/3e speakers, Project RM-5 with Shure V-15 III cartridge, Bellari Tube phono stage, Tandberg 3014A cassette deck, Sansui TU-717 receiver, Cambridge Audio 640C CD player, Audioquest Copperhead interconnects. I upgraded from the Goldring 1.2 to the Project and experimented with different cartridges but I'm still not satisfied.
The best piece of equipment is the Tandberg – it brings cassettes to life – at least the ones that that were decently recorded. This piece is like my reference. The cd player is decent as well. So that I know what kind of sound is possible and the weak link is from the vinyl source. It lacks the power, presence, and definton that comes through the Tandberg and even the Cambridge Audio 640c.
I have some wonderful audiophile recordings in pristine shape too plus a couple hundred other records that I keep in relatively immaculate condition. So I am very interested in improving my vinyl playback quality.
My upgrade budget is about $1000 - Should I upgrade my phono stage, my cartridge, my turntable? What would you suggest for gear if you could make one or two changes? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
The best piece of equipment is the Tandberg – it brings cassettes to life – at least the ones that that were decently recorded. This piece is like my reference. The cd player is decent as well. So that I know what kind of sound is possible and the weak link is from the vinyl source. It lacks the power, presence, and definton that comes through the Tandberg and even the Cambridge Audio 640c.
I have some wonderful audiophile recordings in pristine shape too plus a couple hundred other records that I keep in relatively immaculate condition. So I am very interested in improving my vinyl playback quality.
My upgrade budget is about $1000 - Should I upgrade my phono stage, my cartridge, my turntable? What would you suggest for gear if you could make one or two changes? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.