How can I get the best possible sound from my PC?

I listen to internet radio. The better 128 kb/s streams are probably as good as FM (what is your opinion, by the way). My bottleneck is the PC. I have decided to use an external DAC (CIA for the office and Musical Fidelity at home). I am also using high quality digital cables (Kimber D-60 and Kimber Select). How can I put the best possible digital signal on the wire? The digital cables alone cost about $1200. So it would make sense to spend some money on the digital signal if it makes a difference. Any advice?


Showing 1 response by boroujerdi

Thanks Tireguy. I will get in touch with that guy. So the answer seems to be: use a high quality external DAC (which I am doing), use a high quality sound card, and send the digital output from the card to the DAC. Does anyone know what is the best sound card out there in terms of sound quality? And is there an alternative way of doing this that might give me better sound?