How can do you extend the life of your tubes?

My amp premp and cdp are tubes. I read years ago, proportionatley, the most tube wears comes from powering up. And shutting down, and then powering up shortly is life shortener for sure. Shortly is too vauge. What do you tubers do to lenghten the life of your tubes, especially when we're talkng NOS and the like? thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by jedinite24

I was under the impression vacuum tubes were akin to light bulbs so they shouldn't be on all the time. I keep my tube gear turned off and only turn them on when needed. My warm-up time is similar to Pops.

One thing I'm trying to help prolong tube life are various tube coolers and dampers. I'm new to tubes so I'm not sure this stuff will help. On my preamp tubes I've got Herbie's tube dampers. On my power tubes I have Pearl PCF tube coolers. They look like heat sink jacket when put around the tubes. They supposedly help with the heat. I just started with them so don't know yet if they are truly helping. This will be a long term test.
Thanks Jmcgrogan2 & Elizabeth for the lessons and clarification. It is appreciated.