How big of a difference do amps make?

There are probably plenty of threads on this subject so dont be looking for those who went from ss to tube amps.
Current system:
Thor TA-1000
Merlin TSM-MMM
H/K Citation 16
cheap cdp
Im looking to upgrade amps to Thor 30's with maybe Marantz 8004 cdp.
Just curious what to expect... Thanks Jayson

Showing 10 responses by mcpherson

When people mention coloration...what exactly are we talking about? A certain tone or house sound of component?
Very nice! You are correct. Guess i should have been a little clearer on the title.
Any valuble advice on how much changing amps can impact system?
I decided to get rid of some of my other gear (sony 5400 and Focal 918's) to save for speakers. I just got the Merlins and I have a good lead on a pair of Thor 30's that I dont want to lose. So i planned on trying to find a stepping stone source in the 600 dollar range to save for the amps.
I am sure others may have traveled a similar path. So i am looking to hear their experience going from ss to tubes.
The Thor preamp made a HUGE impact on me so if the amps follow suite....i think im in for a treat.
polk 432
So in your experience the tube amp made a bigger difference than tube pre?
Up to this seems MOST agree that:
-speaker/amp synergy is very important
-amp change WILL make difference

the reason i started this post is because I personally have only owned one amp. The Citation. I have never compared other amps A/B and Houston does not have many
options in hifi stores.
I understand tubes vs ss is all relative to system components. One not BETTER than other.

I am going from ss H/K Citation to Thor 30 watt monos. I will be doing an A/B Comparison. Cant wait.
One of the Thor monos came in today. Has new tubes and the gentleman I bought them from basicly threw in a nice set of speaker cables to boot. Hope the other arrives tomorrow.
Gotta get a couple power cords and should be ready to fire them up !!
Just got the Thor monos hooked up. Very different. Suprised at the bass from 30 watts. gotta work on speaker placement and room set up. Plan on doing an A/B with ss amp.