How best to eliminate LP warps

I own about 2500 LPs, and I like to think they're flat.  Furthermore, I espoused the view that warped LPs ought to be discarded.  But lately I have found 2 or 3 of my LPs that do have warps but sound too good and are too precious for the music recorded on them to throw away.  So I am in the market for ideas on how to remove warps.  I am aware that there was a device on the market that looked like a large waffle maker, to be used for warp removal.  I think Furutech made it, but I never see it advertised these days.  I am also aware of the DIY method of placing an LP between two glass plates and heating the ensemble.  The question there would be how hot and for how long?  Any suggestions are welcome, especially opinions on the efficacy of the Furutech.  Thanks.  Please no comments on vacuum hold down; I think it's a great idea but none of my five turntables has that feature.


Showing 1 response by dhite71

I have used the Vinyl Flat for several years.  Initially I would borrow from a friend that has one about 10+ years old.  I believe that pouch only had low and high.  I would use the high, regardless, for about 3 hours and worked well.  I eventually decided to get my own and the high setting for 3 hours melted the grooves.  It was pretty wild and thankfully nothing special.  I went to medium for about 2 hours and eventually found the sweet spot of medium for 3.5 hours.  

My experience is that this works well for new vinyl.  Any of my collection of older vinyl I have not had any success.  I don't have as much of a problem with older vinyl so there's that.  

Pressing plants basically suck for new vinyl as it can be so awful right out of the sleeve on new releases.  I used to return them to amazon but got tired of the fight as the replacement was often the same.  Now on new vinyl if it is warped at all, it goes right in the Vinyl Flat for the 3.5 hours and is all good.